
'Dear Abby' says 'Going Crazy' is now fine

SAN DIEGO, Sept. 28 (UPI) -- "Dear Abby" says she has heard again from "Going Crazy In San Diego," a new mom afraid she might hurt her baby, and the woman is now "Not Going Crazy."

Jeanne Phillips, who writes the "Dear Abby" advice column, told the San Diego Union-Tribune that the letter got the biggest response she has yet seen. Some readers offered to provide a home for the baby.


"She is under a doctor's care and being medicated, and she's doing just fine," Phillips reported. "The baby's fine, and she indicated her aunt and grandmother would be coming out in a few weeks to help."

Phillips said she was worried because "Going Crazy" did not provide any way of getting in touch. But she says she has determined by comparing the handwriting that a follow-up letter signed "Not Going Crazy In San Diego" was from the same woman. That letter will appear in her syndicated column in October.

The woman, who is a military wife, appears to have suffered from severe postpartum depression.

Phillips inherited the "Dear Abby" column from her mother, Pauline Friedman Phillips/ Her mother's twin, Esther Friedman Lederer, wrote the "Ann Landers" column.


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