
Chavez repeats Bush 'devil' remarks

NEW YORK, Sept. 21 (UPI) -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez repeated Thursday his assertion that U.S. President George W. Bush is the "devil," during a visit to a New York church.

Chavez told worshippers at the Mount Olivet Baptist Church in Harlem that Bush "might kill me" following his Wednesday remarks at the U.N. General Assembly, where he called the U.S. president "el diablo," remarks that were applauded by some of the delegates on hand.


U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., condemned Chavez for his remarks, saying "you don't come into my country, you don't come into my congressional district and criticize my president."

Relations between Caracas and Washington have been tense in recent years. The Bush administration accuses Chavez of trying to promote his brand of socialism throughout the region, while the Venezuelan president alleges the White House played a role in the April 2002 coup attempt that saw Chavez briefly deposed.

Recently, Chavez forged an oil drilling agreement with Iran for exploration in Venezuela. He has also fostered close ties to Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

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