
Canada city cracks down on dangerous dogs

ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland, Sept. 19 (UPI) -- The mayor of St. John's in Newfoundland, Canada, plans a crackdown on dangerous dogs after an owner left the scene when his pit bulls attacked another dog.

"I've told our staff that whenever we get an animal that they think is dangerous, then -- as far as I'm concerned -- put the damn dog down," Andy Wells told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.


Wells, a dog owner himself, blamed "idiots" and "fools" who fail to train their dogs properly. He said he is willing to have the city sued while he is protecting the public.

At a forum organized by the SPCA Monday night, trainer Glenn Redmond said the city should impose higher fines on the owners of dangerous animals.

"We can't save every dog that has been led down a wrong path, but we can stop a second dog from being led down the same path by the same owner," Redmond said.

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