
Colorado activist heads right-wing list

DENVER, Feb. 13 (UPI) -- Ward Churchill, the Colorado professor who set off a firestorm with remarks about the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, leads the pack in a book on leftwing academics.

"The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America," is by David Horowitz, a 1960s leftist and former editor of Ramparts magazine turned extreme conservative. In the book, he profiles 100 university professors he considers especially dangerous.


"The only reason Churchill is not one of the actual profiles is because I wrote so much about him in the introduction that it would have been redundant," Horowitz told the Denver Post, saying that Churchill was the 101st professor.

Churchill, an American Indian activist, is under investigation at the University of Colorado for alleged plagiarism and could be fired if a university panel finds him guilty. The university has also re-examined its hiring and tenure procedures in the wake of findings that he was given tenure in spite of weak credentials.

In an essay, Churchill suggested that at least some of those who died in the collapse of the World Trade Center were not innocent. He called them "technocrats" and "little Eichmanns."


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