
Swazi king orders mass arrests

LOBAMBA, Swaziland, Jan. 13 (UPI) -- King Mswati III of Swaziland has thrown dozens of people in jail, charging they are linked to bombings during demonstrations.

The detainees include more than 20 of the king's political opponents who have been charged with high treason and could face the death penalty if convicted, the British newspaper The Independent reported. Lawyer Leo Gama said all are members of Pudemo, a banned opposition party.


The Congress of South African Trade Unions has been pushing for sanctions against Mswati and President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe. The South African government has so far declined to take action.

Swaziland, with 1.2 million people, is dwarfed by neighboring South Africa and dependent on it economically.

Mswati has outraged many people by spending money lavishly while most of his people live in poverty, the newspaper reported.

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