
Iran to begin processing yellowcake

TEHERAN, Iran, Sept. 12 (UPI) -- Iran has announced it plans to start processing 37 tons of uranium yellowcake, the Daily Telegraph reported Sunday.

Western intelligence officials have estimated that amount of the processed uranium could build five nuclear bombs.


Iran's decision to begin yellowcake processing this month was disclosed in a submission to International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna.

The IAEA is due to meet Monday to discuss Iran's failure to comply with its obligations to provide details on its nuclear program. Iran maintains its nuclear program is designed to create power, not weapons.

"We are extremely concerned about all aspects of Iran's nuclear program," a British foreign office spokesman said. "And we call on Iran to suspend all their nuclear activities, including the processing of uranium yellowcake."

The spokesman said Iran has maintained a secret nuclear program for 12 years, but it only came to light during the past 18 months.

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