
GOP candidate admits backing eugenics

WASHINGTON, Aug. 5 (UPI) -- A GOP congressional candidate in Tennessee has admitted being a strong supporter of racial eugenics, the Independent newspaper reported.

"James L. Hart has acknowledged that he is an unapologetic supporter of eugenics, the fake science that resulted in thousands of people being sterilized in an attempt to purify the white race," the Independent said in its Wednesday editions.


Hart is the only candidate running in Thursday's primary for the 8th congressional district in northwest Tennessee, the paper said.

Hart, a 60-year-old real estate agent, "insists his beliefs have nothing to do with racism and everything to do with 'favored races' from Europe and Asia and 'less favored races' from Africa," the Independent said. "To achieve his goal of a country populated by 'favored races,' Mr. Hart proposes eliminating welfare and immigration."

Before World War II, eugenics "inspired 33 U.S. states to pass laws that allowed the sterilization of some 65,000 people and Nazi Germany used the U.S. examples to justify programs that sterilized and killed millions," the paper said.

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