
White House mum on Kerry victory

WASHINGTON, Jan. 28 (UPI) -- The White House studiously avoided giving Democratic primary winner John Kerry a victor's mantle Wednesday, noting the nomination race was not over.

"Well, I guess we congratulate those who did well," spokesman Scott McClellan said.


"The Democratic primary is ongoing and we'll let them sort through their differences and choose their nominee and then there will be plenty of time to talk about the election."

Kerry, Massachusetts's four-term junior senator, won New Hampshire balloting Tuesday with about 39 percent of the vote, compared to runner-up Howard Dean's 26 percent. It was Kerry's second victory this month and propelled him to the status of front-runner in the six-man race.

Kerry, bannering his experience, says he is the only one of the six capable of unseating President George W. Bush.

Bush was traveling to New Hampshire Thursday to speak on the economy, which he says is improving as a result of his tax cut initiatives.

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