
San Francisco awaits mayoral results

SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 9 (UPI) -- The polls closed Tuesday evening in San Francisco after voters braved typical wet, chilly weather to decide on a new mayor to replace outgoing Willie Brown.

Green Party candidate Matt Gonzalez and Democrat Gavin Newsom were locked in a tight race that could end with the Greens gaining their first major city mayor's office and gaining a new measure of prominence in the national political scene.


Despite the national attention, Tuesday's vote was expected to hinge largely on local issues, in particular the need to improve San Francisco's business climate and protecting low-income housing.

Both candidates are in their late 30s and have served on the San Francisco County Board of Supervisors. Newsom, however, has been viewed by many in the city's large liberal community as being unwilling to help protect the dwindling supply of low-income housing.

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