
Ivory Coast assassination plot uncovered

ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast, Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The Ivory Coast said Tuesday 11 people have been arrested on suspicion of plotting to assassinate political, administrative and military figures.

The announcement follows complaints by two main opposition parties that their members have been arrested or abducted, the BBC said.


There is also now a fear of a new round of political oppression by President Gbagbo's FPI party, following a three-month ban on public marches last week.

Despite a power-sharing government, Ivory Coast remains divided between the rebel-controlled mostly Muslim north and the Christian south, in the hands of President Laurent Gbagbo.

Alphonse Kossonou, a director of the former ruling PDCI party, was arrested late Thursday, without explanation.

A spokesman for the RDR party of Alassane Ouattara has also said it fears a resumption of political oppression.

Eyewitnesses in Abobo described how RDR sympathizers, mostly northern Muslim bus drivers, were sitting and drinking tea Friday evening when a truck full of police arrived shooting in the air and proceeded to round up as many of them as they could grab.

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