
Odor complaints persist at Denver airport

DENVER, July 28 (UPI) -- After repeated inspections and investigations by government agencies and private contractors, odor problems persist at the Denver International Airport.

At least six investigations at the DIA since 1996 have found water leaks and mold growth in basement areas, and de-icing fluid stinking up the Red Carpet Club lounge, the Rocky Mountain News reported.


Earlier this month, two United Airlines employees sued DIA, claiming they were sickened by mold, odors and poor environmental conditions at the airport.

The lawsuit contains 18 allegations of serious mold, odor or other indoor air problems at DIA, including E. coli bacteria colonizing carpets in a concourse basement, sewage leaks near airline gates, high mold counts forcing the closure of rooms and other areas and raw sewage pooled in utility tunnels.

In some cases the airport has attempted remedies but problems persist.

DIA spokesman Steve Snyder told the News airport officials declined comment because the matter is in litigation. However, he said, "The traveling public is in absolutely no danger."

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