
Feds make it easier to stop telemarketing

WASHINGTON, June 26 (UPI) -- The Federal Communications Commission is broadening its anti-telemarketing rules and expanding its "do-not-call" registry to airlines and banks.

The government is also going to give people the opportunity to ask that their phone numbers be removed from telemarketing call lists by just one telephone call.


For the first time, the Federal Trade Commission said it is adding airlines, banks and telephone companies to the list of industries that have to obey the new telemarketing rules.

Beginning this fall, telemarketers must purchase a copy of the do-not-call list every three months. A telemarketer calling a registered number could face fines totaling thousands of dollars.

Telephone registration using a toll-free number will first begin, in western states and then expand nationwide in about 10 days.

Details of the registration program were to be announced Friday.

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