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TIME: All Day
Technet 2003.
AGENDA: Highlights:
9:30 a.m. - Plenary Address
Lt Gen Harry D. Raduege, Jr., USAF
Director, Defense Information Systems Agency
12 noon - Defense Keynote Luncheon*
Richard L. Haver, Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
2:30 p.m. - Emergency/Consequence Management Systems in a Multi-Agency Environment
Lt Gen Harry D. Raduege, Jr., USAF, Director, Defense Information Systems Agency
5:30 p.m. - TechNet International 2003 4th annual Government Gala
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: Washington Convention Center, 900 9th Street NW, Washington, D.C.
CONTACT: 800-336-4583, ext. 6158
WEB ADDRESS: afcea.org
TIME: All Day
EVENT: AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION holds a Seminar On Latest Issues In Tax Reporting & Withholding.
Bankers, tax officers and Internal Revenue Service officials will deliver the most up-to-date information on tax issues, withholding requirements and information reporting.
AGENDA: Highlights:
8:30 am - Reporting for Student Loan Interest
and Other Lending Transactions
Cheryl Riedlinger, The Tax Reporting Group
9:15 am - Form 1099-MISC Attorney and
Middleman Reporting
Debbie Pflieger, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: Marriott Crystal City, 1999 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, V. A.
CONTACT: Julie Malveaux, 202-663-5466,
WEB ADDRESS: aba.com
TIME: All Day
AGENDA: Highlights:
7:30 a.m. Lobby Day Briefing
9 a.m. - Congressional Visits
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: Renaissance Washington, DC Hotel, 999 9th Street, NW, Washington, D.C.
CONTACT: 202) 973-0569
WEB ADDRESS: stopbreastcancer.org
TIME: All Day
AGENDA: Highlight:
6:30 p.m. - Opening Dinner TOPIC: America, Israel and the Defense of Democracy
David Harris, AJC Executive Director
Israeli Brigadier General Moshe Ivri-Sukenik
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: Washington Hilton, 1919 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D.C.
CONTACT: 202) 504-6300
WEB ADDRESS: ajc.org
TIME: All Day
EVENT: AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION AND DC ASTHMA COALITION commemorate the fifth annual World Asthma Day with a World Asthma Day Fair to raise awareness of the crisis of asthma in the District of Columbia, especially among children, and to help DC residents to prevent and control asthma symptoms.
AGENDA: Counselors will be on hand to talk with families about the role of asthma management plans and medications, the benefits of peak flow meters and spacers, and the importance of smoking cessation.
WHO: The speakers are:
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: Richard England Clubhouse #14, Metropolitan Police Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington
4103 Benning Road, NE, Washington, D.C.
CONTACT: 202-682-5864, x 213
WEB ADDRESS: aladc.org
TIME: All Day
EVENT: AMERICAN COLLEGE OF EMERGENCY PHYSICIANS holds its annual Leadership and Legislative Issues Conference to provide leaders in emergency medicine
AGENDA: Highlights:
7 a.m. - State Budget Crises and Emergency Medicine
8 a.m. - Reimbursement News You Can Use
Dennis M. Beck, MD - Chair, ACEP Reimbursement Committee
David A. McKenzie - ACEP Reimbursement Director
12 noon - Luncheon: Charlie Cook -political analyst, and editor and publisher of the Cook
Political Report to discuss President Bush's and Congress's agendas and insights into policy-making in Washington.
2 p.m.-The Crowding Dilemma: Survival Tactics for the Overwhelmed Emergency Department
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: Renaissance Hotel, 999 9th Street NW, Washington, DC
CONTACT: Laura Gore or Colleen Horn at 202-728-0610
WEB ADDRESS: acep.org
TIME: All Day
AGENDA: Highlights:
8:45 a.m. - Keynote Speaker: William Lucy, International Secretary Treasurer
9:30 a.m. - Panel: "Successful Political and Legislative
11:15 a.m. - Lorraine O'Hara, AFSCME PEOPLE Director
Larry Scanlon, AFSCME Political Action Director
1:45 p.m. - Legislative Appointments/Other Activities
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: Omni Shoreham, 2500 Calvert Street NW, Washington, D.C.
CONTACT: 202-429-1000
WEB ADDRESS: afscme.org
TIME: 8 a.m.
EVENT: WORLD FEDERALIST ASSOCIATION news conference on Victims Trust Fund Campaign. Recent discoveries of mass graves in Iraq further illustrate the need for a permanent court to deter such atrocities in the future.
WHO: The speakers are:
Paiman Halmat, President of the Kurdish Foundation and an Iraqi Kurdish survivor of the Hussein regime who will discuss the particular needs of women victims and survivors;
Frederick Terna, a survivor of the Nazi Holocaust who is participating in the campaign by telling his Senators about his donations to the Victims Trust Fund;
Dr. Orlando Tizon, Assistant Director of Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition International (TASSC), and a torture survivor from the Philippines;
Fiona McKay, Director of the International Justice Program, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: National Press Club, 14th and F Streets NW, Washington, DC
CONTACT: 202-546-3950 ext. 112
WEB ADDRESS: victimstrustfund.org
TIME: 9 a.m.
EVENT: NATIONAL FOREIGN TRADE COUNCIL holds a program for the release of a research paper detailing the growing use of public anxiety to restrict trade entitled Looking Behind The Curtain: The Growth of Trade Barriers That Ignore Sound Science.
WHO: The speakers are:
William Reinsch, President, National Foreign Trade Council
James Murphy, Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Agriculture (invited)
Tony Vanderhaegen, Minister-Counselor, Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Safety and Consumer Affairs, Delegation of the European Commission
Hector Marquez Solis, Director of Trade and NAFTA Office, Embassy of Mexico
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: St. Regis Hotel, 923 16th Street NW, Washington, DC
CONTACT: 202/822-9491
TIME: 9:30 a.m.
EVENT: NATIONAL PRESS CLUB holds a forum on Student and War: how should history be taught so that the subject of war gets the understanding it deserves?
WHO: The speakers are:
Moderator, former public school teacher, and The Fire Within author, Joe David
Dr. Eliot Sorel, an internationally recognized leader in psychiatric medicine, a practicing physician
Dr. Scott Nelson, associate professor, history department, College of William and Mary
Jimmy Kilpatrick, editor and publisher of EducationNews.org, senior fellow with the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution
Alex Kingsbury, George Washington University senior,
Clarence Cross, III, Wilson High School senior,
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: National Press Club, 14th and F Streets NW, Washington, DC
CONTACT: 540/428-3175 or 703/587-0457
WEB ADDRESS: npc.press.org
TIME: 9:30 a.m.
EVENT: CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF SOCIAL POLICY holds a news conference releasing its Child Welfare Report.
WHO: The speakers are:
Rep. George Miller, D-CA
Susan Notkin, director, CSSP
Beverly Jones, Fulton County Department of Family and Children Services
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: National Press Club, 14th and F Streets NW, Washington, D.C.
CONTACT: 202-371-1999
WEB ADDRESS: cssp.org
TIME: 9:45 a.m.
EVENT: AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE holds a program on "The Future of Iran: Mullahcracy, Democracy, and the War on Terror."
AGENDA: Highlights:
Cliff May, Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
10 a.m. - Panel One: Iran Today--A Reality Check
Meyrav Wurmser, The Hudson Institute
Guy Dinmore, Financial Times
Uri Lubrani, Israeli Defense Ministry
Ladan Boroumand, Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation
12 noon - Luncheon
Michael A. Ledeen, AEI
Sen. Sam Brownback, United States Senate
2 p.m. - Introduction: Bernard Lewis, Princeton University
Panel Two: Iran Tomorrow--Freedom vs. Mullahood
Michael A. Ledeen, AEI
Reuel Marc Gerecht, AEI
Bernard Hourcade, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Morris Amitay, The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
Rob Sobhani, Georgetown University
4 p.m. - Viewing Movies about Iran
6 p.m. Adjournment
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: 1150 17th Street NW, Washington, DC
CONTACT: 202-862-5933
WEB ADDRESS: aei.org
TIME: 10 a.m
EVENT: CHAMBER OF COMMERCE holds a Pro-Growth Rally with President George Bush.
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: 1615 H Street NW, Washington, DC
CONTACT: 202-463-5682
WEB ADDRESS: uschamber.com
TIME: 10 a.m.
WHO: The speakers are:
Panelists include Farooq Sobhan, WASSA project policy adviser for Bangladesh and former foreign secretary of Bangladesh
M. S. Reddy, former secretary of the ministry of water resources in India
Ayub Qutub, executive director of the Pakistan Institute for Environment and Development Action Research
Umesh Parajuli, consultant for JVS (Nepal Water Partnership)
Thomas Keaney, executive director of the SAIS Foreign Policy Institute
Toufiq Siddiqi, WASSA project coordinator and president of Global Environment and Energy in the 21st Century
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: 1740 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC
CONTACT: 202-663-5626
WEB ADDRESS: sais-jhu.org
TIME: 10 a.m.
EVENT: ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION AGENCY holds a news conference releasing evidence that Singapore plays a major role in the smuggling and trade of illegally cut timber and poached elephant ivory. EIA will release film, information and documents that show how Singapore has been exporting illegally cut Indonesian ramin, an internationally protected tree species, to the US without the permits required by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: National Press Club, 14th and F Streets NW, Washington, DC
CONTACT: Allan Thornton, 202-483 6621
WEB ADDRESS: eia.org
TIME: 10 a.m.
EVENT: NATIONAL PRESS CLUB holds its "Morning Newsmaker" news program featuring Lawrence Gostin who will detail NEW model legislation designed to help lawmakers and public health officials' address potentially catastrophic infectious diseases. He says the United States is ill prepared for SARS, other naturally occurring emerging diseases, and the threat of bioterrorism.
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: National Press Club, 14th and F Streets NW, Washington, DC
CONTACT: 202-662-7500
WEB ADDRESS: npc.press.org
TIME: 10:30 a.m.
EVENT: NATIONAL COUNCIL OF RESISTANCE OF IRAN holds a news conference to discuss the Iranian clerical regime's meddling in Iraq.
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: National Press Club, 14th and F Streets NW, Washington, D.C.
CONTACT: 202-783-5200
WEB ADDRESS: nerius.org
TIME: 12 noon
EVENT: HOUSE DEMOCRATIC WHIP STENY HOYER, D-MD, holds his regular pen and pad briefing to review the House Floor Schedule for the week of May 5h and then hold a "questions and answers" session with reporters.
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: H-306 in the U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.
CONTACT: 202-225-3130
WEB ADDRESS: house.gov
TIME: 12 noon
EVENT: HUDSON INSTITUTE AND COMMITTEE FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT hold a luncheon on Forum on Early Offers and Legal Reform.
WHO: The speakers are:
Derek Bok, Former President, Harvard University; Chairman, Common Cause
Michael Horowitz, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Philip K. Howard, Chairman, Common Good
Jeffrey O'Connell, Professor of Law, University of Virginia School of Law
Jeffrey Rosen, Partner, Kirkland & Ellis.
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: JW Marriott Hotel - Salon II, 1331 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC.
CONTACT: 202-223-0776
WEB ADDRESS: Hudson.org
TIME: 12 noon
EVENT: MIDDLE EAST INSTITUTE holds a program on Algeria-U.S. Relations featuring Ambassador Idris Jazairy, Embassy of the Democratic & Popular Republic of Algeria to the United States discussing Algerian relations with the United States. He will discuss terrorism and the War on Terrorism, and provide an update on the current social and political situation in Algeria.
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: MEI, 1761 N Street NW, Washington, DC
CONTACT: 202-785-1141
WEB ADDRESS: mideasti.org
TIME: 12 noon
EVENT: URBAN INSTITUTE FIRST TUESDAY'S program presents No Child Left Behind: High Stakes for High School Graduation.
WHO: The speakers are:
Mike Casserly, Great City Schools
Jane Hannaway, Urban Institute
Carmel Martin, Office of Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM)
Christopher Swanson, Urban Institute
Christine Wolfe, U.S. Department of Education
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: 2100 M Street N.W., 5th Floor, Washington, D.C.
CONTACT: 202-261-5709
WEB ADDRESS: urban.org
TIME: 12 noon
EVENT: SAVE THE CHILDREN holds a news conference releasing its new report and to discuss
key findings of a new report identifying the world's most dangerous war
zones for women and children.
WHO: The speakers are:
Sen. Biden, D-DE
Actress Sally Field
commentator Cokie Roberts
Kim Phuc, the subject of the famous 1972 photograph of her, at age 9, running from a burning Vietnam village
Lesley Jane Seymour, editor-in-chief of Marie Claire magazine
Charles MacCormack, CEO and president of Save the Children
Beryl Levinger, research director, State of the World's Mothers 2003.
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: Room 188, Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.
CONTACT: Mike Kiernan, 202-261-4686
WEB ADDRESS: savethechildren.org
TIME: 12:30 p.m.
EVENT: SENATE ENERGY COMMITTEE holds a briefing on Strategy for Comprehensive Energy Bill.
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: 366 Dirksen Office Building, Washington, D.C.
CONTACT: Marnie Funk, 202-224-6977
TIME: 12:30 p.m.
EVENT: WOMAN'S NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC CLUB presents Carla Cohen, Barbara Meade and Danny Gainsburg, the three co-owners of Politics and Prose, discuss the challenge of running an independent bookstore.
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: 1526 New Hampshire Avenue NW, Washington, DC
CONTACT: 202-232-7363
WEB ADDRESS: democraticwomen.org
TIME: 1:45 p.m.
EVENT: AFL-CIO NURSES hold a rally and news conference to announce "Safe Staffing Now," campaign.
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: West Front, U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.
CONTACT: 202-637-5018
WEB ADDRESS: afl-cio.org
TIME: 2 p.m.
EVENT: JAPAN INFORMATION ACCESS PROJECT holds a program on A Sorry State? Apologies and Japan's Foreign Relations Japan's featuring Jennifer Lind is a Visiting Fellow at the Dickey Center for International Understanding, Dartmouth College, and a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of political science at MIT.
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: Law firm of Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP, 1501 K Street,
NW, 6th Floor, Washington, DC
CONTACT: 202-822-6040
WEB ADDRESS: jiaponline.org
TIME: 2 p.m.
EVENT: BROOKINGS INSTITUTION Tax Policy Center holds a symposium entitled "Saving Private Pensions."
AGENDA: Highlights:
2 p.m. - The Pension System and Alternative Paths to Reform
William Gale, Brookings and Tax Policy Center
Peter Orszag, Brookings and Tax Policy Center
3 p.m. - Options for Reform
Jane Gravelle, Congressional Research Service
Mark Iwry, Brookings
Pamela Perun, Urban Institute
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: Falk Auditorium, 1775 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC
CONTACT: 202-797-6105
WEB ADDRESS: brookings.edu
TIME: 2:30 p.m.
EVENT: NORTHERN VIRGINIA TECHNOLOGY COUCIL Aerospace Technology Committee and Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority presents a briefing on the state & future of the airport industry with James E. Bennett, CEO of MWAA
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: Dulles International Airport, Dulles Airport, Dulles, VA
CONTACT: 703-904-7878
WEB ADDRESS: nvtc.org
TIME: 3 p.m.
EVENT: WOODROW WILSON CENTER holds a program on The Making of "Anti-American" Sentiment in Korea and Japan.
WHO: The speakers are:
Katharine H.S. Moon, Asian Policy Fellow, Woodrow Wilson Center and the George Washington University
Sheila Smith, research fellow, East-West Center
Peter Brookes, director, Heritage Foundation Asian Studies Center.
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: One Woodrow Wilson Plaza, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC
CONTACT: 202-287-3400
WEB ADDRESS: wwics.edu
TIME: 3 p.m.
EVENT: WOODROW WILSON CENTER holds a program on The Real Environmental Crisis: Why Poverty not Affluence, Is the Environment's Number One Enemy.
WHO: The speakers are:
Jack M. Hollander, Professor Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley
John R. McNeill, Professor, Georgetown University
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: One Woodrow Wilson Plaza, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC
CONTACT: 202-287-3400
WEB ADDRESS: wwics.edu
TIME: 3 p.m.
EVENT: GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service presents Constanze Stelzenmüller Defense and Security EditorDie Zeit "European Views on the Doctrine of Preventive War."
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: ICC 450, 37TH and O Streets NW, Washington, DC
CONTACT: 202-687-4328
WEB ADDRESS: Georgetown.edu
TIME: 6 p.m.
EVENT: KENNEDY CENTER MILLENIUM STAGE Eighth Annual Kennedy Center Mary Lou Williams Women in Jazz Festival presents Baltimore native, Maureen McCusker performing standard and improvisational jazz with the Maureen McCusker Quintet.
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: 2700 F Street NW, Washington, D.C.
CONTACT: 202-416-8000
WEB ADDRESS: kennedy-center.org
TIME: 6 p.m.
EVENT: NEWSPAPER GUILD holds its second annual Freedom Award Fund Banquet featuring David Broder, political columnist, Washington Post.
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: Hyatt Regency – Capitol Hill, 400 New Jersey Avenue NW, Washington, D.C.
CONTACT: 202-955-1242
WEB ADDRESS: newsguild.org
TIME: 6:30 a.m.
EVENT: NATIONAL PRESS CLUB forum on The Good, The Bad & The Ugly-An Unvarnished Look at Media Coverage of the Iraqi War featuring Pentagon spokeswoman Torie Clark and Joseph L. Galloway, with Knight-Ridder and author of "We Were Soldiers Once...And Young; la Drang; the Battle That Changed the War in Vietnam," are among the panelists
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: National Press Club, 14th and F Streets NW, Washington, D.C.
CONTACT: 202-371-1565
WEB ADDRESS: npc.press.org
TIME: 7 p.m.
EVENT: POLITICS & PROSE BOOKSTORE presents Todd Gitlin discussing and signing copies of Letters To A Young Activist. Gitlin recalls his experience as president of Students for a Democratic Society in the '60s and offers some principles for today's activists.
DATE: May 6, 2003
LOCATION: 5015 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, D.C.
CONTACT: 202-364-1919
WEB ADDRESS: politics-prose.com