LAS VEGAS, Feb. 22 (UPI) -- Being knocked out in the ring could have actually given UFC's Ronda Rousey more notoriety.
Rousey, who already has acting credits in: American Judoka, The Expendables 3, Furious 7, Entourage, and Road House, is eyeing another silver screen role.
In an interview with GameSpot, Rousey mentioned that she would be interested in portraying Samus if a "Metroid" movie gets made.
"I've always wanted to be Samus," Rousey told GameSpot. "That would be badass. I love how people found out later that it was a hot chick on the inside. And then most of the day you're in a suit, so you can just hang out and eat donuts and be the star of 'Metroid.' I hope they make a movie out of that."
"I think they should make more movies based on video games to be honest," the former Bantamweight champion added. "I think that would be really cool."
Rousey, 29, is also an "avid" player of World of Warcraft, according to GameSpot.
Filming for the movie "Road House" pushed back a possible rematch between Rousey and Holly Holm.