
David Ortiz snaps selfie with Obama

Big Papi meets the president.

By Kate Stanton
Boston Red Sox baseball player David Ortiz takes a 'selfie' of himself and President Barack Obama after he gave the president a Boston Red Sox shirt during a ceremony in the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, DC on April 1, 2014. UPI/Pat Benic
1 of 2 | Boston Red Sox baseball player David Ortiz takes a 'selfie' of himself and President Barack Obama after he gave the president a Boston Red Sox shirt during a ceremony in the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, DC on April 1, 2014. UPI/Pat Benic | License Photo

Boston Red Sox star David Ortiz couldn't resist a presidential selfie when the 2013 World Series champions visited the White House on Tuesday.

"And of course, the legend. The only man to play for all three championship teams," Obama said of Ortiz. "The biggest bat in the dugout. Big Papi. Big Papi. That’s what I’m taking about. Love this guy. Even a White Sox fan can appreciate these guys."

In return, Obama snagged an "Obama 44" Red Sox jersey.

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