
Cyclist Hamilton given 8-year suspension

COLORADO SPRINGS, June 16 (UPI) -- The United States Anti-Doping Agency said Tuesday American cyclist Tyler Hamilton has accepted an eight-year suspension.

The anti-doping agency said in a release that Hamilton, 38, had tested positive for testosterone or its precursors in a sample taken Feb. 9. It was Hamilton's second offense, and the release said Hamilton agreed to the lab findings that resulted in the ban.


Hamilton admitted in April to taking an over-the-counter anti-depressant supplement with the knowledge it contained a banned substance.

"In the sport of cycling, eight years ineligibility for a 38-year old athlete is effectively a lifetime ban, and an assurance that he is penalized for what would have been the remainder of his competitive cycling career," said USADA Chief Executive Officer Travis T. Tygart.

Hamilton served a two-year suspension issued by the anti-doping agency in April 2005.

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