
Clarett asks Supreme Court for help

WASHINGTON, April 20 (UPI) -- Ex-Ohio State sophomore Maurice Clarett asked the U.S. Supreme Court Tuesday to lift a court stay keeping him out of a supplemental NFL draft.

A federal appeals court in New York earlier issued a stay of judge's decision to allow Clarett and other underclassmen like him to enter the draft, scheduled for this weekend.


The NFL bars athletes from the draft until three years after high school.

The appeals court issued the stay but is unlikely to hand down a final ruling for some time, long after the draft.

Clarett's application goes to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who oversees the 2nd U.S. Circuit, including New York.

Ginsburg can deny or grant the request on her own, or refer it to the full court for a vote.

Southern California underclassman Mike Williams also opted to enter the draft when Clarett won his earlier decision.

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