
Scientists work on car that gets 100 mpg

DENVER, June 10 (UPI) -- Scientists at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colo., are testing a modified 2006 Toyota Prius that can get 100 miles per gallon.

Laboratory engineer Tony Markel said the car has a solar panel attached to the roof and a bigger battery in the trunk that can power the car up to 35 mph before the gasoline-powered engine kicks in, the Rocky Mountain News reported Tuesday.


"For most people, their daily commute is about 30 miles, so this car would run virtually on battery and only need to be recharged at night," Markel told the newspaper.

While automakers are interested in the technology, Markel said the laboratory needs to find a way to reduce costs. The lithium-ion battery costs $40,000 and the solar panel on the roof cost $2,500, he said.

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