
Pollution shortening lives in Britain

LONDON, April 6 (UPI) -- Despite the Labour government's promise to cut pollution, environmentalists in Britain report that poor air quality is shortening lives by an average of eight months.

Opposition members of Parliament and environmental groups are expressing alarm at the continuing risk to health, a report in the Independent said Thursday.


"The government's failure to deliver on promises to cut transport levels is not only contributing to a reduction in life expectancy from pollution, but is also a major cause of increased climate-change emissions," said Mike Childs, campaigns director of Friends of the Earth.

Ministers admit that chemicals from car exhausts, ships and industrial sites still have a marked effect on health yet they insist that air in Britain is clearer than at any time since the 19th century. "Air pollution is not declining as quickly as expected," Environment Minister Ben Bradshaw said. "We need to move faster and take further measures to move us closer to meeting our objectives."

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