
Gizmorama: Life in the Tech Age

By WES STEWART, United Press International


Yes, indeed, science fans, it's Science Fair season. Well, even if this annual phenomenon has past by your neighborhood school, pay attention and bookmark some stuff for next year or a rainy day when the kids need something cool to do indoors.


For example, take a look at (and no www here). We found instructions here to guide you through all sort of bizarre experiments (best delivered with a Peter Lorre accent).

There's no telling if you will have all the stuff required for each experiment, but you are sure to find one or more that would serve as fitting fate for junk in the garage. Worst case, you will amuse the heck out of the kids and might even learn something yourself.

Whoa, did we say you AND the kids? OK, there are things the kids can do on their own or with minimal adult supervision, but discovery is a family thing. These experiments are a delightful way to get involved and participate in your kid's discovery of science and good sense. Oh, yes, a great many of the experiments can be related to practical everyday occurrences and serve as good example of something bad happening. Go have some fun.


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