Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe In a campaign fundraising email he sent to his supporters, U.S. Rep. Steve King compared himself to outspoken television star Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty and said that the show is a prime example of “faith, family and good, old-fashioned American values.” King indicated that the backlash against Robertson after he made hateful remarks about gay people and black people during an interview with GQ was actually an attack on Christianity. Advertisement The Republican said that Robertson was attacked because his opinion “is contrary to views held by those with loud megaphones, including the liberal media and PC police……The leftists who disagree with him made it clear with their attacks that conservatives are to be driven from public life if they express their opinions, however objectively true they might be.” According to King, the criticism of Robertson is emblematic of the “left’s unspoken rule that tolerance is a one way street. Conservatives are to be tolerant of liberal ideology; however, the left need not be tolerant of conservative Christians.” He added: “I have been in similar situations to the one Phil Robertson finds himself in now. I have learned to navigate their intolerance while holding firm to our values. Whether it’s the Robertsons or anyone who finds themselves in the crosshairs of the media or a leftist hyperventilater sitting across the table at the local diner, employ this strategy: Don’t back down...Don’t apologize...Double down…Never waiver from the truth.” Advertisement Democratic candidate Jim Mowrer is expected to challenge King for his 4th Congressional District seat in November. He said King’s comments illustrate why Congress is “broken.” “I will work to focus on ensuring job opportunities, investment and infrastructure, clean American energy and getting a farm bill passed,” Mowrer said. “I don’t have a comment on Congressman King’s comments on a reality TV show actor’s comments.” [Des Moines Register] Read More NC politician tenders resignation letter written in Klingon Kanye-inspired currency, Coinye West, will debut later this month 911 call requesting 'assistance getting beer' lands Memphis grandmother in jail Alleged banana assault lands Florida man behind bars Missouri man asks judge to send him back to prison