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“This is the late-night edition of 360,” Cooper replied, surprised.
“In nature, there are boom and bust cycles,” Castellanos continued. “The snowshoe hare, every ten years, multiplies sixfold.”
“Are you high?” Cooper asked.
“I’m high,” Castellanos replied. “I wish I was," he said, pressing forward with the analogy.
"The snowshoe hare -- I thought it’s a marvelous explanation -- every ten years, multiplies sixfold. Bunnies like sex apparently. But the boom produces a bust. They press their food supply, they invite predators. Right now, Ted Cruz, what’s he’s doing, feels good. He’s growing his supporters. It’s leading the Republican Party, I think, into a bust."
"I think you’re digging a ditch, Alex," Cooper said.
Castellanos continued with another analogy, saying Ted Cruz "drove the entire Republican Party through a car wash in a convertible and everybody got wet but him."
Cooper interrupted him to segue to a commercial break, and said "I’m still trying to figure out what the bunny sex was about."
"We’ll have a man-to-man talk later," Castellanos offered.