
Coyote rescued from wire fence amid sub-zero temperatures

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Jan. 22 (UPI) -- A Colorado animal control officer braved frigid temperatures -- and an unexpected tumble in the snow -- to rescue a coyote entangled in a wire fence.

The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office said Animal Control Officer McMullen responded to a call about a coyote trapped in a wire fence in Conifer.


"Freezing temperatures, -20 [degree] wind chill, and snow piled knee-deep," the sheriff's office said on social media. "But the real showstopper was a classic slip-and-slide moment as McMullen exited his vehicle, unintentionally turning into a human snowball!"

McMullen extracted himself from the snow and used a blanket to keep the coyote calm while he cut through the wire fence.

"Thankfully, the coyote escaped with just a sore paw and a few scrapes," the post said.

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