
Turkish woman establishes world record for watermelons crushed with thighs

By Jessica Inman
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Jan. 17 (UPI) -- A Turkish woman who squashed five watermelons within a 60-second timeframe, using only her thighs, has set a world record.

Guiness World Records shared a video Friday of Gozde Dogan completing the challenge.


The clip shows Dogan sitting between two rows of watermelons, grabbing them one at a time, crushing them, and then cleaning the mess before continuing.

She is handed a plaque and told she is "officially amazing," becoming the first person to earn the distinction of using the thighs to smash the most watermelons in 60 seconds, in the female category.

Dogan broke the record in February.

In 2017, an Iranian man made history for smashing three watermelons quicker than anyone ever had.

In 2023, the same man, Ashkan Rohollah Doshmanziari set a record for stacking four watermelons on top of one another.

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