
Minnesota Ice Festival boasts world's largest ice maze

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Jan. 15 (UPI) -- The Minnesota Ice Festival's 18,148.88-square-foot ice maze has been officially certified as the largest in the world by Guinness World Records.

The festival's maze, which features 8-foot-high walls and multiple twists and turns, took the record from a Buffalo, N.Y., ice maze that covered an area of 13,000 square feet in 2010.


Robbie Harrell, founder and CEO of festival organizer Minnesota Ice, said construction on the maze at Tco Stadium in Eagan began Dec. 1, and gravel and plywood were spread out across the field to protect the turf.

The maze was then constructed from 3,452 blocks of ice, each weighing about 425 pounds.

The maze was completed Jan. 4, and ice sculptures and lights were then installed prior to a visit by a Guinness World Records adjudicator.

Harrell said the festival will hopefully run through Feb. 16, depending on weather conditions.

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