
Florida researchers find unusual crooked fish in Silver Glen Springs

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July 8 (UPI) -- Researchers with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission shared an unusual catch from a recent fish survey -- a longnose gar with a crooked back.

The FWC's Fish and Wildlife Research Institute said biologists were conducting an electrofishing survey in Silver Glen Springs when they found the 2.7-foot-long gar with a bend in its back making it resemble an upside-down letter V.


Researchers said it evoked memories of a recent discovery of a "squiggly" bull shark caught near Titusville that appeared to have scoliosis or a similar spinal deformity.

The FWC said there were some key differences between the fish.

"Unlike the bull shark with a spinal deformity that we shared a few weeks ago, this fish likely got its interesting shape from a spinal injury at some point in its life," researchers wrote.

The gar, which weighed in at about 10.6 pounds, was returned to the water.


"With their razor-sharp teeth and armor-like scales, longnose gar may look scary, but they are no threat to humans, and they play an important role as an apex predator in many of Florida's freshwater ecosystems," the post said.

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