
81-year-old named world's oldest fitness instructor

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Feb. 26 (UPI) -- An 81-year-old Texas man who received his personal training certification at age 73 has been named the world's oldest fitness instructor.

Tim Minnick, who teaches multiple classes each day at Gold's Gym in Austin, took the Guinness World Records title from California 65-year-old Wendy Ida.


Minnick started working as an instructor after getting his certification from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. He said he was looking for something to keep him active after his wife's death.

"I wanted to do something that I could feel like I'm making a contribution to somebody," he said.

Minnick said he teaches students of all ages, but most of them are over 50 and the oldest is 95.

"We start losing muscle when we're 35 years old or so. Unless you act to keep that going, by the time you get to 75, you're not in good shape," he said. "It's just like buying an insurance policy, in my opinion -- Insurance against failing as you get older."

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