
Zoo's potty-mouthed parrots showing signs of cleaning up their act

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Feb. 22 (UPI) -- Officials at a British zoo said a plan to curb the rude habits of their famously potty-mouthed parrots is showing some promising early results.

The Lincolnshire Wildlife Park said in January that its eight profane parrots would be moved in with its flock of 92 more polite birds in the hopes that the badly behaved birds would pick up some more family-friendly words and sounds.


"We could end up with 100 swearing parrots on our hands. Only time will tell," Steve Nichols, chief executive of the park, said at the time.

Nichols said the parrots seem to be doing well after a few weeks with the rest of the flock.

"It's early days still but it's been a good start. We haven't heard any of the really crude language," Nichols told the BBC. "Of course people are still walking up to the enclosure and swearing in front of the parrots, hoping they will copy the words."

Nichols said that while the swearing seems to be slowing, one parrot has picked up a different sort of annoying habit.


"One of them has taken to singing We Wish You a Merry Christmas over and over again," he said. "Fine in December, not so fine in February."

He said signs warning guests of the potential for abusive language from the avians will remain in place for the time being.

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