
California collects 10,568 pieces of Transformers memorabilia

Mike Kay earned a Guinness World Record for his collection of 10,568 pieces of Transformers memorabilia. Photo courtesy of Guinness World Records
Mike Kay earned a Guinness World Record for his collection of 10,568 pieces of Transformers memorabilia. Photo courtesy of Guinness World Records

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Feb. 16 (UPI) -- A California man's collection of 10,568 pieces of Transformers memorabilia earned him a Guinness World Records title.

Mike Kaye, who has been collecting robots in disguise since 1984, took the record for the largest collection of Transformers memorabilia from AJ Ard, whose collection was tallied at 5,150 unique items.


Kaye said his love of the toy line began when he was about 3 or 4 years old in 1984.

"My family and I were in Sears, and they had a huge selection of Generation 1 Transformers toys," Kaye told Guinness World Records. "I was only allowed one, so I chose Hoist, a green and orange tow truck. That's where my hobby began."

Kaye said he completed his collection of the Generation 1 line when he was in college, but his collecting didn't stop there.

He said he kept collecting new releases, and also used the Internet to find Japan-exclusive figurines that never made it to U.S. stores.

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