
Firefighters rescue dog from frozen Illinois pond

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Feb. 6 (UPI) -- Firefighters in Illinois donned protective gear and broke through the ice of a frozen pond to rescue a stranded dog.

Long Grove Fire Protection District firefighters said they responded to an icy pond off Route 53 to rescue a 120-pound great pyrenees named Belle who fell through the ice.


Roseanne Stavro, Belle's owner, said she found her feet getting stuck in the sand at the bottom of the pond when she attempted to mount her own rescue, so she contacted firefighters.

Stavros said Belle had been in the water for about 30 minutes when rescue crews arrived.

Firefighter Nick McDowell put on protective rescue gear and ventured out into the frigid pond to rescue Belle.

"There weren't too many hiccups in the process," McDowell said. "The ice was able to be broken just by hand. So we were able to create a lane out to the dog."

Stavros said Belle was uninjured, aside from being covered in black slime that eventually washed out with dish soap.

Stavros and Belle paid a visit to the fire station Monday to reunite with the rescuers and thank them in person.


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