
Yuletide owl found roosting in Kentucky family's Christmas tree

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Dec. 13 (UPI) -- A Kentucky family's Christmas tree was inside their home for four days before it was discovered to be home to a young owl.

Michele White of Lexington said the owl somehow managed to remain undetected in the tree for four days by simply blending in with the branches.


"I have three dogs," White told WDKY-TV. "We use this room nonstop: watch TV; the kitchen's right here; no indication."

Bobby Hayes, owner of Magic Carpet Cleaning, was servicing the home while the family was away when he noticed the branches moving. A closer examination revealed an owl moving through the tree.

"It crawled up into the tree further," Hayes said. "It took me several minutes to even find it."

Hayes was able to grab the owl and sent a picture to White.

"I was shocked. I was so stunned," White said. She said she initially thought Hayes was pranking her with a stuffed animal.

White said it was lucky for her that Hayes was the one to find the owl and remove it from the home.

"I would have left the house. The owl could've stayed without me. I wasn't coming home," White said.


Owls have been found in Christmas trees before, including a small owl famously discovered in the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree in New York in 2020. A Texas woman made perhaps an even more shocking discovery last week when she looked into the branches of her Christmas tree and found an opossum looking back at her.

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