
Pennsylvania neighborhood terrorized by free-roaming cattle herd

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Dec. 8 (UPI) -- Residents of a Pennsylvania housing development said their yards and Christmas lights have been repeatedly damaged by a herd of free-roaming cows.

Locals in the Brookhaven neighborhood in Mars said the cows have made repeated visits to their homes, causing damage to yards, gardens and holiday displays.


They said the cows occasionally bring bulls along for the visit.

"They're just kind of roaming the neighborhood," Ben Rathjen told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. "My neighbor across the street, one of the bulls was sleeping alongside where his vehicles were in his driveway. They're coming up in people's backyards. They're defecating everywhere."

Neighbors said the cattle have been wandering in from a nearby farm for months.

"My mulch beds were all torn up and the shrubbery, they were sampling them to see what they could eat there and there was dirt and mulch all over the porch and so forth. And as you might imagine there are quite a few piles of poop out there too," Donna Pahel told KDKA-TV.

The farm's owner said several fences on his property were damaged by felled trees, allowing the cows to wander as they please. He said crews were at the farm Thursday to make repairs.


Some neighbors said they have been considering filing lawsuits against the owner of the cows. Adams Township does not have any local laws giving police authority to deal with the cows, but a meeting is scheduled for Monday to discuss a proposed ordinance.

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