
Lost dog found on Colorado mountain trail after nearly two months

A dog named Nova Riley was found on a trail in Colorado's Meyers Ranch Park nearly two months after escaping from her owner. Photo courtesy of the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office/Instagram
A dog named Nova Riley was found on a trail in Colorado's Meyers Ranch Park nearly two months after escaping from her owner. Photo courtesy of the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office/Instagram

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Nov. 27 (UPI) -- A Bernese mountain dog that escaped from her owner in a Colorado parking lot was found nearly two months later on a mountain trail.

The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office said in an Instagram post that deputies responded to a report of a loose dog spotted by hikers near a trail in Meyers Ranch Park.


"They tried to make friends with the dog, but it was injured and scared. One of the hikers was bit while attempting to carry the wounded pet down the mountain," the post said.

Deputies and rangers were able to corral the canine, and one ranger recognized the canine from a lost dog poster they had seen recently.

The dog, name Nova Riley, had escaped from owner Robynne Simons-Sealy in the parking lot of a Safeway store seven weeks earlier.

Simons-Sealy said there had been several reported sightings of Nova, but the dog always fled before she could be captured.

"She survived two snow storms and below-freezing weather," Simons-Sealy told the Boulder Daily Camera. "I was in tears every time it snowed."

Simons-Sealy said Nova lost about 20 pounds and will need surgery for her leg injury, but she is safely back at home.


"I can't say enough about the kindness of people here," she said.

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