
Police spot porcupine on the loose in England

Sudbury & Haverhill Police in England spotted a porcupine on the loose in Clare, Suffolk, but the animal managed to give officers the slip in a nearby garden. Photo by Stevebidmead/
Sudbury & Haverhill Police in England spotted a porcupine on the loose in Clare, Suffolk, but the animal managed to give officers the slip in a nearby garden. Photo by Stevebidmead/

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Sept. 20 (UPI) -- Police in England said officers spotted a South American porcupine on the loose, but they lost track of the animal in a garden.

Sudbury & Haverhill Police said in a Facebook post that officers were on the B1063 road in Care, Suffolk, when they saw the porcupine wandering nearby.


Police attempted to pursue the non-native animal, but it was "lost in a garden," the post said.

The post asked anyone who spots the sharp-quilled creature to contact the RSPCA or a local veterinarian.

The porcupine's origins remain a mystery.

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