
Mexican city creates record-breaking ball of quesillo cheese

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Sept. 1 (UPI) -- A city in Mexico broke a Guinness World Record by preparing a ball of pulled quesillo cheese that weighed in at 1,230 pounds.

Carlos Alberto Albores Lima, municipal president of Pijijiapan, Chiapas, confirmed the ball of quesillo, also known as Oaxaca cheese, officially broke the record of 738.5 pounds, which was set in Acatlán, Hidalgo, in 2022.


The quesillo ball is composed of tightly-stretched cords of cheese. Lima said the team creating the ball prepared more than 1,500 pounds of cheese for the attempt, but decided to stop at 1,230 so as not to put too much strain on the machine used to roll the cords.

The finished cheese ball measured more than three feet in diameter.

The cheese was served to attendees at the Vida Mejor soccer field.

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