
Overturned truck spills baking flour next to Utah road

The Logan City Fire Department in Utah responded when an overturned semi truck spilled its load of baking flour in Logan Canyon. Photo courtesy of the Logan City Fire Department/Facebook
The Logan City Fire Department in Utah responded when an overturned semi truck spilled its load of baking flour in Logan Canyon. Photo courtesy of the Logan City Fire Department/Facebook

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Aug. 29 (UPI) -- Firefighters in Utah responded to an unusual roadside mess when an overturned semi truck spilled its load of baking flour into Logan Canyon.

The Logan City Fire Department said crews responded to a report of an overturned semi truck in Logan Canyon and arrived to find the vehicle had spilled its load of baking flour next to the road.


The department shared photos showing bags of flour littering the ground after the top of the semi's trailer came off.

One occupant of the truck was treated for minor injuries, another walked away uninjured, the fire department said.

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