
Nearby lightning leads Missouri woman to $50,000 lottery prize

A Missouri woman stopped at a convenience store to wait out a lightning storm and ended up buying a Powerball ticket that earned her a $50,000 prize. File Photo by John Angelillo/UPI
A Missouri woman stopped at a convenience store to wait out a lightning storm and ended up buying a Powerball ticket that earned her a $50,000 prize. File Photo by John Angelillo/UPI | License Photo

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July 14 (UPI) -- A Missouri woman to sought shelter from a storm at a convenience store ended up buying a Powerball ticket and winning $50,000.

The St. Clair woman told Missouri Lottery officials she was out driving when nearby lightning led her to make an unplanned stop at On the Run in St. Clair.


"There were two lightning bolts that both hit at the same time right next to me," the winner recalled. "I told my husband, 'I don't want to drive into that storm.'"

While waiting for the storm the pass, the woman bought a ticket for the July 1 Powerball drawing.

The player discovered the next morning that she was a $50,000 winner.

"I almost didn't stop," the winner said. "I can't believe this. It is exciting."

The winner said she plans to spend her prize money on her grandchildren.

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