
A peeping goat is on the loose in Chatham Township, N.J.

A peeping goat is on the loose in Chatham Township, New Jersey. One resident hopes that a cop "on the bleat" can apprehend the offender. Photo courtesy of Chatham Township, New Jersey, Police/Facebook
1 of 2 | A peeping goat is on the loose in Chatham Township, New Jersey. One resident hopes that a cop "on the bleat" can apprehend the offender. Photo courtesy of Chatham Township, New Jersey, Police/Facebook

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May 12 (UPI) -- Police in Chatham Township, N.J., are seeking an unusual perpetrator seen peering into homes in the area -- a peeping goat.

"The Chatham Township Police are actively searching for the peeping goat that has been seen throughout the Township," police said on Facebook.


The goat appears to be armed only with its horns as it peers into homes.

Police are advising people not to take the law into their own hands by trying to apprehend him. They say it does not belong to the local Creekside Farms, but they know who the owner is.

The goat has been seen wandering around the Township, showing up at doors and looking into homes.

Residents responding to the police notice about the peeping goat are bemused, with comments like "Officially on the lamb, huh? If the farm is not the owner, can't say I'd turn this kid in."

And, "A Chatham goat? Cheez...I hope a cop on the bleat locates him."

Another resident posted, "This is a baaaaaaaaad situation."

One resident was curious about the goat's name. "His name has got to be (e) Scape Goat."


Another local was concerned about the goat's legal rights.

"Didn't you mean the 'alleged' peeping goat?"

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