
Minnesota man invents beer-powered motorcycle

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May 11 (UPI) -- A Minnesota inventor who gained a following for his unusual vehicles unveiled his latest creation: a beer-powered motorcycle.

Ky Michaelson, whose previous inventions include a rocket-powered toilet and a jet-powered coffee pot, said the beer-powered motorcycle he created in his Bloomington garage has a 14-gallon keg with a heating coil instead of a gas-powered engine.


The coil heats the beer up to 300 degrees, which then becomes super-heated steam in the nozzles that propel the bike forward.

"The price of gas is getting up there. I don't drink. I'm not a drinker, so I can't think of anything better than to use it for fuel," Michaelson told KMSP-TV.

Michaelson estimated the bike could reach speeds of up to 150 mph. He said he hopes to take the bike out to a drag strip sometime soon to test its capabilities.

Michaelson's son, Buddy, said the motorcycle could be adapted to run on almost any beverage.

"It could be any kind of liquid. It could be Red Bull. It could be Caribou Coffee. It could be anything. But beer. Why not," Buddy Michaelson said.

The father and son said the motorcycle will eventually be retired and have a permanent home in Michaelson's at-home invention museum.


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