
Lost engagement ring found in toilet 21 years later

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Dec. 29 (UPI) -- A diamond engagement ring accidentally flushed down the toilet of a Florida home was returned to its owners after being found lodged inside the commode 21 years later.

Nick and Shaina Day said they weren't yet married when the ring went down the toilet 21 years ago at Nick's parents' house.


"She came to me one day and said, 'I think I lost my ring.' She said, 'It was on the counter now it's gone and I think I may have flushed it down the toilet on accident,'" Nick Day told WFLA-TV.

Shaina said she had been wiping around the sink.

"I was cleaning water off the counter with some toilet paper. My ring was sitting on the counter. I must have grabbed my ring by accident and tossed the tp. It was one of the worst things I ever did," she wrote on Facebook.

The couple said they went to great lengths to try to find the lost ring.

"I climbed down into the septic tank so we could pump every bit of it through a strainer to try to find it. No luck," Shaina Day said.


Nick's parents said a plumber was replacing their toilet last month when he found the ring lodged inside.

The ring was returned to the couple on Christmas Day.

"They brought this out. It was wrapped up in a little Christmas bag so we opened it up and both of us knew exactly what it was," Nick recalled.

The couple said they learned a lesson from the experience.

"Check your toilets when you lose things," Nick said.

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