
British firefighters rescue man with hand stuck in sofa

A crew from England's Stapleford Fire Station responded to a home to rescue a man whose hand was stuck inside a sofa. Photo courtesy of Stapleford Fire Station/Facebook
A crew from England's Stapleford Fire Station responded to a home to rescue a man whose hand was stuck inside a sofa. Photo courtesy of Stapleford Fire Station/Facebook

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Aug. 25 (UPI) -- Firefighters in Britain conducted an unusual rescue when a caller reported a man who needed help extracting his hand from the back of a sofa.

The Stapleford Fire Station in England said in a Facebook post that a crew responded Tuesday night "to a report of a male with his hand trapped down the back of a sofa."


The post said firefighters were able to help the man extract his hand. He was not seriously injured, but sustained "slight reddening to his hand," the post said.

"It really isn't just fires, I am pleased we were able to help the male without hurting him further or damaging his sofa," firefighter Gavin Wilson said in the Facebook post.

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