
Mystery horse caught wandering loose in Texas neighborhood

City of San Antonio Animal Care Services said officials are trying to find the owner of a mystery horse found wandering a San Antonio neighborhood. Photo courtesy of City of San Antonio Animal Care Services/Facebook
City of San Antonio Animal Care Services said officials are trying to find the owner of a mystery horse found wandering a San Antonio neighborhood. Photo courtesy of City of San Antonio Animal Care Services/Facebook

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June 22 (UPI) -- Authorities in Texas are trying to find the owner of a mystery horse found wandering loose through a residential neighborhood.

City of San Antonio Animal Care Services said in a Facebook post that animal care officers responded to the area of Rigsby and Highway 87 when a horse was reported wandering loose through the streets.


Officials said a witness managed to lasso the horse and keep it out of traffic until it could be turned over to the animal care officers.

The horse, dubbed Celyao by rescuers, was not microchipped and did not have any brand officials could locate.

The horse was taken to the Animal Care Services corral while the Bexar County Sheriff's Office attempts to locate the animal's owner.

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