
Respect Your Cat Day might have origins in King Richard II's 1384 edict

Respect Your Cat Day, marked every year on March 28, reportedly originated as a result of a 1384 edict from England's King Richard II. Photo by laurenta_photography/
Respect Your Cat Day, marked every year on March 28, reportedly originated as a result of a 1384 edict from England's King Richard II. Photo by laurenta_photography/

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March 28 (UPI) -- Respect Your Cat Day, celebrated annually on March 28, is a day of showing regard for one's feline companions, and the holiday might have had its origins in a 1384 edict from England's King Richard II.

The holiday -- not to be confused with Oct. 29's National Cat Day, Aug. 8's International Cat Day and July 10's National Kitten Day -- is a day for cat owners to revere their pets as they were once worshiped 4,000 years ago in ancient Egypt.


The origins of Respect Your Cat Day reportedly date back to March 28, 1384, when King Richard II of England issued an edict banning his subjects from eating cats.

Other holidays and observations for March 28 include National Hot Tub Day, National Triglycerides Day, National Black Forest Cake Day and Children's Picture Book Day.

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