
Bear gets stuck in New Hampshire couple's mud room

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March 28 (UPI) -- A New Hampshire woman said her family was faced with an unusual problem when a black bear ended up trapped on their enclosed porch.

Melissa Champney of Grafton said she and her husband awoke late Saturday night to a loud sound that appeared to be coming from inside their home.


"I looked out the dining room window and there was a really big bear stuck on the porch - eating the porch, as a matter of fact," Champney told WMUR-TV.

Champney said the door to the mud porch is sometimes left ajar so the couple's cats can come and go as they please, but the bear had apparently shut the door behind it when it came in.

Champney posted photos to Facebook showing the damage wrought by the "worst house guest ever."

"He pretty much trashed the entire porch," she said.

Champney said her husband climbed out a window and opened the door to the mud room from the outside so the bear could escape.

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