
Houston police wrangle loose pig named Bacon

Police responded to a Houston neighborhood to corral a loose pig named Bacon that escaped from its owner's home when a door was left open. Photo by Houston Police/Twitter
Police responded to a Houston neighborhood to corral a loose pig named Bacon that escaped from its owner's home when a door was left open. Photo by Houston Police/Twitter

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March 8 (UPI) -- Police in Houston said residents bearing crackers came to the rescue when a neighborhood was faced with an unusual situation: a loose pig.

The Houston Police Department said officers responded to a neighborhood in the city's southeast on Monday when a pig was spotted running loose through the area.


Police said neighbors threw crackers to the pig to keep it in the area until an animal control officer arrived with a catch pole.

"We know that [Rodeo Houston] has daily pig races, but we had our own version today in East Houston," police tweeted. "This little piggy sent our Eastside Patrol officers on an escapade through the neighborhood."

The pig's owner said her pet, named Bacon, apparently escaped from her home when her sister left a door open.

Police said the owner might be cited for keeping a pig inside city limits.

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