
Couple wins lottery jackpot by recycling Quick Pick numbers

A Maryland couple won a $50,000 jackpot from the Maryland Lottery's Pick 5 drawing by using a set of Quick Pick numbers they recycled from an earlier drawing. Photo courtesy of the Maryland Lottery
A Maryland couple won a $50,000 jackpot from the Maryland Lottery's Pick 5 drawing by using a set of Quick Pick numbers they recycled from an earlier drawing. Photo courtesy of the Maryland Lottery

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March 8 (UPI) -- A Maryland couple found recycling their Quick Pick lottery numbers was a profitable decision when they scored a $50,000 prize.

The Frederick couple told Maryland Lottery officials they couldn't think of any numbers to play the first time they tried the Pick 5 drawing, so they used the Quick Pick feature.


"It's a challenge to pick the numbers," the husband said.

The couple said they liked the Quick Pick numbers, 1-5-1-3-2, but decided to switch the last two digits for future drawings.

The pair bought a ticket for the Feb. 21 drawing from Festival Major Liquors in Frederick.

The ticket earned a $50,000 prize when the numbers 1-5-1-2-3 were drawn.

"We're going to help family out, and make some retirement investments," the husband said.

The man's wife said she also has big plans for the money.

"I'm going to eat as much seafood as I want for the next month," she said.

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