Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe Dec. 22 (UPI) -- A surfer off the Hawaii coast said the creature that left a bite mark on her board wasn't a shark -- it was a wild boar out for a swim. Ingrid Seiple, who has been surfing for more than 35 years, said she was riding the waves off Oahu's Kaena Point when she spotted what she initially thought was a Hawaiian monk seal in the water. Advertisement Seiple said she was shocked when the animal lifted its head. "That's when I realized it was a pig, and it saw me. It started swimming toward me as fast as it could! I was shocked," Seiple told KITV. Seiple said the boar left a bite mark on her board. "I was trying to paddle away, it was very close and it was getting closer. I pushed the board between the pig and I and it bit my board," she said. The surfer was able to swim back to shore without any injuries. She suggested the boar may have been chased into the water by hunting dogs and got caught in a rip current. Read More Top 10 Odd News stories of 2021: Cow stuck in tree, 'testicle bath' Venomous snake stows away 4,000 miles from Pakistan to England 7.5-foot-long mushroom canoe earns Guinness World Record