
Jump roper does 40,980 double-under skips in 12 hours for world record

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Oct. 6 (UPI) -- An athlete in the Philippines is believed to have set a new Guinness World Record by jump roping 40,980 double-unders in 12 hours.

Ryan Ong Alonzo, 34, known as "Skipman," took on the record at the Ayala Malls Circuit Makati, under the supervision of the Philippine Jump Rope Association and online jump rope community JumpFestPh.


Alonzo suffered cramps about halfway through his attempt, but managed to power through and completed the 40,980 double under skips -- which involve the rope passing beneath the jumper twice for each jump -- in 12 hours.

Organizers said Alonzo was aiming to beat 20,000 double skips -- a goal he more than doubled.

Alonzo blamed improper hydration for his cramps, and said he was able to get through it by drinking water and having his legs stretched by his cousin, Benzi Yang.

Evidence from Alonzo's attempt has been submitted to Guinness World Records, and he is awaiting confirmation that he is a new world record holder.

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