Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe Oct. 4 (UPI) -- An Idaho man who has broken more than 200 Guinness World Records added another title to his name by catching 58 marshmallows in his mouth in one minute. David Rush, who breaks Guinness World Records to promote STEM education, enlisted the help of frequent collaborator Jonathan "Hollywood" Hannon to throw the marshmallows from 15 feet away. Advertisement Rush and Hannon were aiming to beat the record of 56, set by fellow serial record-breaker Ashrita Furman and thrower Bipin Larkin in New York in 2019. Rush said Hannon threw 63 marshmallows during the 60-second time limit, and Rush was able to catch enough to take the record. Read More Exotic eagle returned to Pittsburgh aviary after 8 days on the loose Kansas man celebrates his birthday with a $10,000 lottery prize Ontario police wrangle horse running loose on the highway