
Exotic eagle returned to Pittsburgh aviary after 8 days on the loose

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Oct. 4 (UPI) -- An exotic Steller's sea eagle that escaped from the National Aviary in Pittsburgh is back home after just over a week on the loose, officials said.

The National Aviary said Kodiak, or Kody for short, escaped from his habitat Sept. 25 and was sighted numerous times in the Pittsburgh area in the ensuing days.


The aviary said the bird, native to Russia and eastern Asia, was spotted Sunday afternoon at a residence in Pine Township, and a National Aviary crew was dispatched to attempt to bring Kody back to the facility that has been his home for 17 years.

"Using professional falconry techniques and equipment, the National Aviary's team was able to safely retrieve Kody and bring him back home," the aviary said in a statement.

Officials said Kody was examined by a veterinarian and determined to be in "excellent health and body condition."

"He is currently resting in a behind the scenes area of the National Aviary and enjoying healthy meals of fresh meat," the statement said.

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